张钰玉1 ,陈智雄 1 ,陈  方 1 ,闫晋强 2 ,伍俊宇 1 ,席卿媛 3 ,葛书妹 1.不同土壤条件下辣椒苗期根际土壤微生物群落分布特征研究[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(7):129-141
查看全文    HTML 不同土壤条件下辣椒苗期根际土壤微生物群落分布特征研究
Investigation of Microbial Community Characteristics in Pepper Rhizosphere at Seedling Stage Under Varied Soil Conditions
中文关键词: 辣椒  土传病害  根际土壤  微生物多样性  群落结构
英文关键词: flooding  sheep manure biochar  passivation  heavy metal  ecological risk
基金项目:贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合 KY 字〔2019〕098);广东省农业科学院高水平农科院 建设人才项目(R2021YJ-YB2004,R2023PY-JX007);贵阳学院博士科研启动基金项目(0221001002010133);贵州 省国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202310976018)
张钰玉1 ,陈智雄 1 ,陈  方 1 ,闫晋强 2 ,伍俊宇 1 ,席卿媛 3 ,葛书妹 1 (1. 贵阳学院生物与环境工程学院贵州  贵阳  5500052. 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所 / 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室广东  广州  5106403. 宝鸡市农业科学研究院陕西  宝鸡  722499) 
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      【目的】研究不同抗性辣椒品种根际微生物群落分布特征,为定向优化辣椒根际微生物群落结构提 供依据。【方法】以辣椒感病品种‘海澜 99’(Hailan 99,HL99)和抗病品种‘三峡青’(Sanxiaqing,SSQ)为 供试材料,利用高通量测序技术,分析比较感病土壤和非感病土壤对不同抗性辣椒根际土壤细菌及真菌的群落多样 性、物种组成、相关性网络和功能的影响。【结果】通过高通量测序,从土壤细菌样品中共获得 66 617 个操作分 类单元 (Operational taxonomic units,OTUs),其中优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门 (Bacteroidetes), 相对丰度约为 40.1% 和 15.3%;从土壤真菌样品中共获得 2 948 个 OTUs,其中优势菌门均为子囊菌门 (Ascomycota), 平均相对丰度约为 47.8%。在不同土壤条件下,辣椒品种间根际微生物群落结构、物种组成具有明显差异。在感病 土壤条件下,辣椒根际土壤细菌群落的多样性降低、OTUs 降低 6.5%~7.8%,真菌群落的多样性增加、OTUs 增加 8.8%~9.8%;镰刀菌属真菌在感病品种(5.0%)中的相对丰度明显高于抗病品种(4.8%),而踝节菌属、被孢菌属 真菌和假单胞菌属、芽孢杆菌属细菌在感病品种中的相对丰度明显低于抗病品种,整体呈现感病土壤条件下抗病品 种根际有益真菌和细菌属丰度高于感病品种的趋势。基于物种丰度表,在属水平分别计算真菌 - 真菌、真菌 - 细 菌和细菌 - 细菌物种的相关关系,结果表明,辣椒根际微生物形成复杂的生态网络,真菌 - 真菌和真菌 - 细菌间 均呈现出较高的共现性(正相关百分比 > 50%),表明合作关系大于竞争关系;细菌 - 细菌间形成更为复杂的网络 结构,其正相关百分比约为 49.9%。【结论】在不同土壤条件下,不同辣椒抗病品种间根际微生物群落结构具有明 显差异,根际微生物互作形成复杂的微生物生态网络结构。抗病品种根际有益菌丰度高于感病品种,可抑制致病菌, 形成更健康的土壤微生态环境。本研究还鉴定出与镰刀菌属、轮枝菌属、木霉属、芽孢杆菌属和假单胞菌属等相关 的关键类群,将为根际微生物群落结构的定向优化提供重要信息,为土传病害的生物防治提供参考
      【Objective】The  study was  carried  out to  explore the distribution patterns  of  rhizospheric microbial  communities in different  resistant pepper varieties, aiming to provide a basis for the targeted optimization of  rhizospheric  microbial community structure of pepper.【Method】Taking the susceptible pepper variety ‘Hailan 99’ (HL99) and the  resistant variety ‘Sanxiaqing’ (SSQ) as experimental materials, high-throughput sequencing technology was employed to analyze  and compare the effects of susceptible and non-susceptible soil environments on the community diversity, species composition,  correlation networks and function of bacteria and fungi in the rhizosphere soil of different disease-resistant pepper plants. 【Result】Through high-throughput sequencing, a total of 66 617 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from soil bacterial  samples were obtained, among which the dominant phyla were Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, with the relative abundances of  approximately 40.1% and 15.3%, respectively. From soil fungal samples, 2 948 OTUs were obtained, among which the dominant  phylum was Ascomycota, with an average relative abundance of approximately 47.8%. The rhizospheric microbial community  structure and species composition of pepper varieties showed significant differences under different soil conditions. Under  susceptible soil conditions, the diversity of bacterial communities in pepper rhizosphere decreased, while the diversity of fungal  communities increased. The bacterial OTUs decreased by 6.5%-7.8%, and fungal OTUs increased by 8.8%-9.8%. The relative  abundance of Fusarium fungi was significantly higher in the susceptible group (5.0%) compared with that in the  resistant  group (4.8%), while the relative abundance of beneficial fungi like Mortierella and Trichoderma and beneficial bacteria like  Pseudomonas and Bacillus was significantly lower in the susceptible group than that in the resistant group. Overall, under the  susceptible soil conditions, the abundance of beneficial rhizosphere fungi and bacteria in the resistant group was higher than  that in the susceptible group, contributing to a better soil micro-ecological environment. Based on species abundance tables,  the correlation  relationships of fungi-fungi, fungi-bacteria and bacteria-bacteria species were calculated  respectively at the  genus level. The results indicated that the rhizosphere microorganisms of pepper formed a complex ecological network, with high  co-occurrence between fungi-fungi and fungi-bacteria (with a positive correlation percentage higher than 50%), suggesting  that cooperative  relationships outweighed competitive ones. The bacteria-bacteria network structure was more complex, with  a positive correlation percentage of about 49.9%.【Conclusion】The  rhizospheric microbial community structures of different  resistant varieties exhibit significant differences under different soil conditions. The interaction of rhizosphere microorganisms  forms a complex microbial ecological network structure. The  relative abundance of beneficial fungi and bacteria is higher in  the resistant variety than that in the susceptible variety, which suppresses more pathogenic microbes, leading to a healthier soil  micro-ecological environment. The key groups identified in this study, including Fusarium, Verticillium, Trichoderma, Bacillus and Pseudomonas, will provide important information for the targeted optimization of  rhizospheric microbial community  structures and offer crucial theoretical references for the biological control of soil-borne diseases.
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