| Volume ,Issue 12,2007 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Advances on indica-japonica differentiation in rice | | 陈雨, 潘大建, 曲延英, 范芝兰, 陈建酉, 李晨 | | 2007(12):3-7 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Studies on the period from pollination to fertilization in Rice | | 郑卓, 罗宝, 廖信军, 邓贤兰, 圣忠华, 吴丽莹 | | 2007(12):8-9 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Breeding and application of indica hybrid rice Peiza-feng2 with high yielding and high resistance to blast | | 陈伟雄, 陈雪瑜, 王秋燕, 梁青, 赵守光, 黄有宝 | | 2007(12):10-12 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 超甜玉米育种现状及发展方向探讨 | | 赵守光 | | 2007(12):14-16 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 超甜玉米新品种新甜玉6号的选育 | | 陈树宾, 王友德, 王婷, 郭斌, 柳延涛, 段震宇, 刘涛 | | 2007(12):17 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the different formulas of the herbicidal plastic film in peanut cultivation | | 陈明周, 黄瑶珠, 杨友军, 练新雄 | | 2007(12):18-21,24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Analysis of climatic adaptability for expand plant and cultivation of Amomum compactum in Hainan | | 谭业华, 陈珍 | | 2007(12):22-24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of seedling strengthening agent(SSA) on Brassica Napus L. Seedling quality and yield | | 姚艳丽, 徐鹤, 汪瑞清, 宋峥, 杨国正 | | 2007(12):25-28 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Studies on the regeneration technique of disease resistant pumpkin germplasm 482-2 in vitro | | 蔡祖国, 周会萍, 赵一鹏, 李新峥, 杨鹏鸣 | | 2007(12):29-32 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on harvest technology of single litchi fruit (cv.Feizixiao) in batches | | 舒肇甦, 陈厚彬, 袁沛元, 马洪俊, 周金峰, 李锦灵 | | 2007(12):33-34 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on the effects of flower and fruit thinning on fruit growth and maturity of Wampee | | 李建光, 潘学文, 李荣, 韩冬梅 | | 2007(12):35-37 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of GA and NAA on the yield and quality of Macadamia | | 刘世红, 倪书邦, 肖晓明 | | 2007(12):38-39 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of 60Co-γradiation on the seedling growth of Gerbra tissue culture shoots | | 高年春, 蒋贤权, 房伟民, 曹荣祥 | | 2007(12):40-42 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 4个日本柑桔品种在广东的引种表现及栽培要点 | | 唐小浪, 马培恰, 吴文, 黄永敬 | | 2007(12):43-45 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻测土配方施肥肥效试验初报 | | 邹盛联, 沙海辉 | | 2007(12):46-48 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Prelin expernrimentation report on optimum N,P,K level to planting flue-cured tobacco in different soil | | 李淑玲, 谭铭喜, 陈俊标, 罗战勇, 李红星, 黄日伟 | | 2007(12):50-52 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 稻纵卷叶螟暴发原因及防控措施 | | 谭梅清, 黄东贤 | | 2007(12):53-54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 稻瘿蚊预测预报技术及其应用研究 | | 陈观浩, 董鹏, 彭雄, 吴冠清 | | 2007(12):55-56 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 广东烟叶仓储害虫发生危害特点及综合防治 | | 黄景崇 | | 2007(12):57-59 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary investigation on papaya stem base rot | | 李永忠, 杨媚, 周而勋, 王泽槐, 傅炽栋, 周东辉, 吴绪波, 吴国麟 | | 2007(12):60-61 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻褐飞虱防治药剂筛选试验 | | 袁永光, 王丽娟, 张华, 邹永辉 | | 2007(12):62-63 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 50% kresoxim-methyl DF against Cercospora musae and sigatoka disease of banana | | 彭埃天, 李鑫, 刘景梅, 宋晓兵, 陈玉托, 陈霞, 杨绍义 | | 2007(12):64-66 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 替代甲胺磷农药品种防治水稻三化螟药效试验 | | 黄军定, 陈喜劳, 黄立胜 | | 2007(12):67-68 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 花生红衣素定性试验及稳定性研究 | | 陈杰, 李渊, 徐鹤龙 | | 2007(12):68-71 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Comparison of contents of tea polyphenols among different fermented tea prepared from Camellia sinensis var. Baiye Dangcong | | 苗爱清, 王冬梅, 庞式, 卢嘉丽, 赵超艺, 凌彩金 | | 2007(12):72-75 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Optimal extracting conditions of polysaccharides from portobello mushroom | | 李娜, 毛永强 | | 2007(12):76-77,80 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on orange-soybean milk beverage | | 王伟华, 袁素芬 | | 2007(12):78-80 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 微生物菌剂处理农业废弃物探讨 | | 林松, 罗正明, 玉香甩, 殷良芳 | | 2007(12):81-82 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research advances in antimicrobial peptides of amphibian skin | | 邹黎黎, 罗永煌, 谢明权, 李安兴 | | 2007(12):84-87 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 华南地区规模化猪场猪瘟抗体水平的血清学调查 | | 李儒曙, 李静, 江鹏华, 张健騑, 刘宇 | | 2007(12):88-89 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Alien invasive plants and ecology security | | 张友胜, 吕俊锋 | | 2007(12):90-93 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 综合指数法在农业生态系统效益评价中的应用 | | 秦国明, 孙希昌 | | 2007(12):94-95 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Advances in phytoremediation of organic pollutants in soil | | 李云辉, 文荣联, 莫测辉 | | 2007(12):96-98 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Investigation and evaluation of heavy metal content in soil and vegetable in Zengcheng region | | 韦昌华, 陈晓路, 吕燕青 | | 2007(12):99-100 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 黄瓜防病栽培策略和措施 | | 郑建余, 娄齐胜, 何贤超, 陈帮亮 | | 2007(12):101-102 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 树番茄的生物学特性及栽培技术 | | 郭碧瑜, 周伟华, 叶青莲, 黄邦海 | | 2007(12):102-103 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 优质柿生产及其高效栽培技术 | | 许汉强, 刘雪华, 何远彬 | | 2007(12):105-107 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 毛竹四季笋开发技术 | | 周早弘 | | 2007(12):107-108 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research on the behavior of peasant households in the development of modern agriculture | | 王勇, 骆世明 | | 2007(12):109-113 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 从国产香蕉危机论农业产业危机与对策 | | 周应堂, 叶承志 | | 2007(12):114-116 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 杂交稻新组合天优4118示范种植表现及高产栽培技术 | | 蔡文, 缪干军, 刘志华, 陈国荣 | | 2007(12):13,16 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 龙川县推广水稻测土配方施肥技术的成效及主要措施 | | 沙海辉, 邹盛联, 魏联捷 | | 2007(12):49,54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 猪场搬迁相关问题探讨 | | 吴同山 | | 2007(12):83,87 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 草莓主要病害的发生与防治 | | 廖新梅, 张百文 | | 2007(12):104,113 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | |