Volume ,Issue 12,2010 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


The characteristics of biodiversity of fish in Xisha & Zhongsha Islands
  朱文聪, 李娜娜, 艾红, 章丽萍, 李夏, 崔科, 董丽娜, 陈国宝, 李永振
  2010(12):1-6   [Abstract]  [View PDF(440.45 K)]  [HTML]
Research on performance appraisal system of the technological Personnel in commonweal fishery research institutes
  2010(12):7-13   [Abstract]  [View PDF(432.99 K)]  [HTML]
Construction of the ndhM gene inactivation mutant of the cyanobacterium synechocystis sp.strain PCC 6803 by using the homologous recombination strategy and its molecular identification
  龙宗娟, 赵娇红, 魏兰珍, 王全喜, 马为民
  2010(12):14-16,23   [Abstract]  [View PDF(460.60 K)]  [HTML]
  欧晓明, 邵念荣
  2010(12):17-20   [Abstract]  [View PDF(305.77 K)]  [HTML]
Progress in demonstration and extension of "three controls" technology for rice
  黄农荣, 胡学应, 钟旭华, 曹开蔚, 林青山, 陈荣彬, 黄大山, 程飞虎, 田卡, 陈文丰
  2010(12):21-23   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Demonstration of "Three Controls" technology for rice in Renhua County
  凃新红, 黄农荣, 邹华旭, 施旭臻, 李佐平, 田卡, 钟旭华
  2010(12):25-26   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Trials and demonstration of "Three controls" technology for rice in Jiangxi province
  曹开蔚, 黄大山, 黄农荣, 程飞虎, 胥木林, 田卡, 钟旭华
  2010(12):27-28   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Intermittent high-yield cultivation of rice water-saving irrigation technology
  林燕春, 陈化寨, 崔璀, 刘小艳, 张迁西
  2010(12):29-31   [Abstract]  [View PDF(250.68 K)]  [HTML]
  赵守光, 陈红弟, 王秋燕, 黄伟如
  2010(12):32-33   [Abstract]  [View PDF(167.48 K)]  [HTML]
  王继华, 张木清, 曹干
  2010(12):34-35,51   [Abstract]  [View PDF(296.25 K)]  [HTML]
Practice and exploration of high-yield culture technique of sugarcane in guangdong reclamation area
  2010(12):36-37   [Abstract]  [View PDF(183.87 K)]  [HTML]
Study on pedicel culture of Potentilla discolor in vitro
  庾韦花, 张向军, 蒙平, 潘颖南, 陈少珍, 黄素梅, 唐军, 时显芸
  2010(12):38-39,43   [Abstract]  [View PDF(226.98 K)]  [HTML]
Studies on change of aroma constituents in Rajangan tobacco during aging
  2010(12):40-43   [Abstract]  [View PDF(280.29 K)]  [HTML]
  陈兴江, 曹务栋, 崔振坤
  2010(12):44-45,63   [Abstract]  [View PDF(276.76 K)]  [HTML]
Preliminary investigation of wild medicinal plant resources in Zhuhai Sanzao peninsula
  唐历波, 吴薄译
  2010(12):46-48   [Abstract]  [View PDF(263.33 K)]  [HTML]
Effects of ABA and uniconazole on bolting characteristic and growth of flowering Chinese cabbage
  康云艳, 黄爱政, 杨暹, 刘晓静
  2010(12):49-51   [Abstract]  [View PDF(244.16 K)]  [HTML]
  李桂花, 陈汉才, 宋钊, 张艳
  2010(12):52-54,61   [Abstract]  [View PDF(321.70 K)]  [HTML]
Comparison of several new seedless watermelon cultivars in Hainan
  柳唐镜, 王镇, 李劲松, 范荣, 雷新明, 谭再军
  2010(12):55-58   [Abstract]  [View PDF(320.35 K)]  [HTML]
  陈肖英, 郑平, 赵贵林, 徐明全, 刘敏
  2010(12):59-61   [Abstract]  [View PDF(243.04 K)]  [HTML]
  李天瑶, 刘艺峰, 郭铁城, 孔文辉, 郭水如, 潘建君, 肖妙玲
  2010(12):62-63   [Abstract]  [View PDF(170.09 K)]  [HTML]
Studies on cultivar screening by introducing the ornamental lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)at Qiaotou township Dongguan city
  刘远星, 李巧红, 郑芝波, 莫仲开, 邓润通, 邓志平, 黄子锋
  2010(12):64-66   [Abstract]  [View PDF(227.98 K)]  [HTML]
Physiological responses to lighting and shading in two ornamental plants
  郭家轩, 夏奕婷, 贺建, 朱根发
  2010(12):67-70,74   [Abstract]  [View PDF(366.99 K)]  [HTML]
Specification of chemical fertilizer-reduction technology for rice
  钟旭华, 梁向明, 黄农荣, 田卡, 麦燕霞, 梁笑英
  2010(12):71-72   [Abstract]  [View PDF(139.74 K)]  [HTML]
  李瑞民, 庄德奥
  2010(12):73-74   [Abstract]  [View PDF(144.64 K)]  [HTML]
Diagnosis on Pathogenetic Nematode caused Lotus Spot Disease discovered from Guangzhou
  陈晓玲, 李小妮, 陈绍平, 潘礼增, 姚彩媚, 高永峰, 林小军, 肖广江, 方羽生
  2010(12):75-77   [Abstract]  [View PDF(210.48 K)]  [HTML]
Identification of the pathogen inducing bacterial soft rot on Philodendron selloum
  陈永强, 李梅, 牟登科, 杨秀楷, 曾大兴
  2010(12):78-80,84   [Abstract]  [View PDF(437.06 K)]  [HTML]
  林志雄, 彭群, 曾杨, 匡石滋, 潘建平, 邱继水, 田世尧
  2010(12):81-82   [Abstract]  [View PDF(148.48 K)]  [HTML]
Inhibitory effect of sisal extract to mango malformation disease caused by Fusarium spp.
  张鲁斌, 常金梅, 詹儒林
  2010(12):83-84   [Abstract]  [View PDF(165.39 K)]  [HTML]
  黎健龙, 苗爱清, 吴利荣, 唐颢, 陈旭飞, 黎秀娣, 唐劲驰
  2010(12):85-87   [Abstract]  [View PDF(255.78 K)]  [HTML]
Study on encarsia controlling poinsettia whitefly
  邓海涛, 张慧丽
  2010(12):88-89   [Abstract]  [View PDF(156.55 K)]  [HTML]
  刘学铭, 陈智毅, 唐道邦
  2010(12):90-94   [Abstract]  [View PDF(445.28 K)]  [HTML]
  王娌莉, 黄家念
  2010(12):94-95   [Abstract]  [View PDF(166.24 K)]  [HTML]
Grey Relational Analysis between the browning and related enzyme activities in fresh-cut Daemonorops margaritae shoots
  张君君, 黄雪梅, 黄世能, 赵霞
  2010(12):96-98   [Abstract]  [View PDF(241.28 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):99-100,104   [Abstract]  [View PDF(205.59 K)]  [HTML]
Research on the craft of banana jam
  叶伟娟, 吴少辉, 于新
  2010(12):101-104   [Abstract]  [View PDF(282.88 K)]  [HTML]
Study on physiological changes of postharvested Shatang Orange
  任文彬, 汪薇, 陈海光, 黄彩萍
  2010(12):105-106,121   [Abstract]  [View PDF(214.46 K)]  [HTML]
Effect of temperature on anaerobic fermentation for biogas production in pineapple leaf residues
  邓怡国, 王金丽, 孙伟生, 焦静, 郑勇, 王刚
  2010(12):107-109,129   [Abstract]  [View PDF(339.97 K)]  [HTML]
Assaying total flavonoids in Phaseolus vulgaris L.by double-wavelength spectrophotometry
  李慕春, 王飞
  2010(12):110-111   [Abstract]  [View PDF(169.04 K)]  [HTML]
  孙俊颖, 彭新宇, 魏光伟, 唐兴刚
  2010(12):112-113   [Abstract]  [View PDF(195.51 K)]  [HTML]
  郭冬生, 彭小兰, 夏维福
  2010(12):114-115   [Abstract]  [View PDF(214.74 K)]  [HTML]
Pharmacodynamic study of traditional Chinese medicine ultra-fine compound powder against Chickens Colibacillosis
  李书宏, 王刚, 陈庄, 容庭, 刘志昌
  2010(12):116-118   [Abstract]  [View PDF(273.56 K)]  [HTML]
Application of Excel in dairy cow type linear appraisal
  2010(12):119-121   [Abstract]  [View PDF(234.93 K)]  [HTML]
  田允波, 黄运茂
  2010(12):122-123   [Abstract]  [View PDF(166.82 K)]  [HTML]
Isolation,identification and drug sensitive test of Aeromonas sobria from Truogx sinensis
  童桂香, 韦信贤, 黎小正, 吴祥庆, 叶欣宇
  2010(12):124-126   [Abstract]  [View PDF(287.78 K)]  [HTML]
The distinctness identification of a new hybrid variety'Baiyu'of longiflorum lily by RAPD marker
  周厚高, 王凤兰, 刘伟
  2010(12):127-129   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Identification of a new litchi variety Hongdenglong by EST-SSR markers
  向旭, 欧良喜, 白丽军, 赵俊生, 孙清明, 陈洁珍, 蔡长河
  2010(12):130-133   [Abstract]  [View PDF(315.86 K)]  [HTML]
  邢晓玲, 李新圃, 郁杰
  2010(12):134-135,142   [Abstract]  [View PDF(256.10 K)]  [HTML]
Expression of MHC class Ⅱ molecules of Epinephelus coioides vaccinated with killed Vibrio harveyi
  王庆, 吴光辉, 巩华, 刘永奎, 刘春, 石存斌, 吴淑勤
  2010(12):136-139   [Abstract]  [View PDF(308.53 K)]  [HTML]
  洪云平, 曹三杰
  2010(12):140-142   [Abstract]  [View PDF(281.23 K)]  [HTML]
  文国樑, 李卓佳, 曹煜成, 杨铿, 陈永青, 杨莺莺
  2010(12):143-145,152   [Abstract]  [View PDF(313.85 K)]  [HTML]
  赵美美, 张晓毅, 于新
  2010(12):146-147   [Abstract]  [View PDF(169.28 K)]  [HTML]
  苍安国, 史永刚, 肖海洋, 武政
  2010(12):148-149   [Abstract]  [View PDF(173.64 K)]  [HTML]
The preliminary study on phytoplankton community structure of the National Resources Conservation District in Shiku River
  王超, 李新辉, 赖子尼, 高原, 杨婉玲, 庞世勋, Sovan Lek
  2010(12):150-152   [Abstract]  [View PDF(214.65 K)]  [HTML]
The progress of two-sludge system denitrification removal technology
  厉巍, 李燕, 张传义
  2010(12):153-154,157   [Abstract]  [View PDF(252.96 K)]  [HTML]
Effect of natural ponds on organic agricultural nutrient removal
  夏霆, 郭岩
  2010(12):155-157   [Abstract]  [View PDF(259.35 K)]  [HTML]
  周霞, 李拥军, 赵斌
  2010(12):158-160   [Abstract]  [View PDF(311.02 K)]  [HTML]
  徐芳, 王建芬, 魏丹丹, 马宁, 李媛
  2010(12):161-163   [Abstract]  [View PDF(280.55 K)]  [HTML]
Development exploration on the pearl tourism
  刘超, 易丽平, 张莉
  2010(12):163-165   [Abstract]  [View PDF(277.66 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):166-169   [Abstract]  [View PDF(372.43 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):170-172   [Abstract]  [View PDF(267.42 K)]  [HTML]
  段圣奎, 张丽
  2010(12):173-174,184   [Abstract]  [View PDF(283.90 K)]  [HTML]
  郑淑娟, 罗金辉
  2010(12):175-176,181   [Abstract]  [View PDF(244.40 K)]  [HTML]
  曹健, 朱碧岩, 叶小明, 陈琼贤, 张亚南, 赫新洲, 叶绮婷
  2010(12):177-178   [Abstract]  [View PDF(188.83 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):179-181   [Abstract]  [View PDF(220.61 K)]  [HTML]
  廖森泰, 张禄祥
  2010(12):182-184   [Abstract]  [View PDF(292.98 K)]  [HTML]
  肖植雄, 张树恒
  2010(12):185-187   [Abstract]  [View PDF(314.19 K)]  [HTML]
Construction of Rural Modern Long-distance Education transmission and receive pattern
  艾建安, 王华, 董丽萍
  2010(12):188-190   [Abstract]  [View PDF(412.13 K)]  [HTML]
  李玉荣, 秦亮生
  2010(12):191-193   [Abstract]  [View PDF(299.24 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):194-195   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
An empirical study on the relation between peasants' income and rural credit in Hainan province
  方梓鉴, 刘海清
  2010(12):196-198   [Abstract]  [View PDF(233.87 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):199-200,204   [Abstract]  [View PDF(254.14 K)]  [HTML]
  邱实, 彭振, 刘柏君, 袁晞航
  2010(12):201-204   [Abstract]  [View PDF(383.82 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):205-206   [Abstract]  [View PDF(211.93 K)]  [HTML]
Analysis on Chinese current policy of arable land protection improvement
  2010(12):207-209   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Investigation on the innovation of villages' accounting agent system
  张乐柱, 于卉兰
  2010(12):210-215,220   [Abstract]  [View PDF(692.99 K)]  [HTML]
Recent advances in rural collective construction land transfer in China
  2010(12):216-220   [Abstract]  [View PDF(512.05 K)]  [HTML]
  梅盈洁, 刘军, 邱俊荣, 尹艳, 刘彩霞
  2010(12):221-222,231   [Abstract]  [View PDF(281.09 K)]  [HTML]
Dilemma of agriculture innovation in science and technology and policy support faced opportunity and challenge
  2010(12):223-226   [Abstract]  [View PDF(364.00 K)]  [HTML]
  王新华, 刘志华, 左小丽, 向安强
  2010(12):227-231   [Abstract]  [View PDF(496.23 K)]  [HTML]
  胡浩民, 吴棉棉, 向安强
  2010(12):232-237   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  苏群, 侯爱敏, 杨朝辉
  2010(12):238-240   [Abstract]  [View PDF(320.89 K)]  [HTML]
Discussion on the utilization of MBO(management by objectives)in the management of office in the institute of agricultural scientific research
  高秀云, 吴胜英, 卢志良
  2010(12):241-245   [Abstract]  [View PDF(401.47 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):前插2-前插4   [Abstract]  [View PDF(334.33 K)]  [HTML]
  何健灵, 李茂禾, 钟旭华, 黄农荣, 田卡
  2010(12):24,31   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2010(12):封2,前插1   [Abstract]  [View PDF(405.22 K)]  [HTML]
  2010(12):87,98,198,245-246   [Abstract]  [View PDF(461.50 K)]  [HTML]