Volume ,Issue 3,2001 Table of Contents

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Ecological breeding engineering for maximum yield, super high quality of China super-rice with semi-dwarf and'early growth and deep root'
  2001(3):2-6   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Utilization of male sterile of common wild rice in Guangdong
  刘雪贞, 潘大建, 吴惟瑞, 黄巧云, 范芝兰
  2001(3):7-9   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Breeding and application of Sui Ke Zhan 981
  李宗鎏, 李肖玉, 陈红弟
  2001(3):9-10   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Yield analysis of rice varieties of regional test for early indica group of south China in
  张文胜, 陈明达, 陈伟雄, 梁青, 吴辉, 梁齐仕
  2001(3):11-12   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Cause of sediment in tea drink and its removing measures
  苗爱清, 伍锡岳, 庞式
  2001(3):13-15   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Occurring mechanism and overcoming ways of browning in plant tissue culture
  崔堂兵, 郭勇, 张长远
  2001(3):16-18   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Investigation and preliminary identification of vegetable idioplasm resources in north Guangdong nountain region
  李植良, 黄河勋, 曹健, 黄亨履
  2001(3):19-22   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Comparing experiment of celery vaieties introduced from USA
  李永忠, 周林恩, 阮力求, 周东辉, 刘群良, 欧玲坤, 李娜
  2001(3):23-24   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Cultivating techniques of Wasabia ja ponica Matsum in upland
  刘爱平, 张洪威, 邱仕天
  2001(3):25-26   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):27-28   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):29-30   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  叶尚, 黄开健, 黄家庆, 陈世凯, 涂显武
  2001(3):31-32   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Characteristics of mango variety Tai Nog 1 Hao and its cultivating techniques for earlier fruiting with better yield
  梁军, 刘岩, 周碧容, 柯开文, 林天民
  2001(3):33-36   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Effect of nitrogen and potassium nutrtion on content of mineral elenents of garden sass
  艾绍英, 姚建武, 柯玉诗, 凌德全
  2001(3):37-39   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Study on the variant dynamics of
  曾列先, 黄少华, 伍尚忠
  2001(3):40-42   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
Preliminary study on the resistance of major tomato varieties to in Guangdong
  何自福, 虞皓
  2001(3):42-44   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  邓镇华, 王佛娇, 赵守光, 宋占平, 邹集文
  2001(3):45-46   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):47-49   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):49   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):50   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]
  2001(3):50   [Abstract]  [View PDF]  [HTML]