| Volume ,Issue 11,2008 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Progress of Guangdong hybrid rice breeding up to National Good Quality Rice Criterion | | 程永盛, 廖耀平, 陈钊明, 何秀英, 陈粤汉 | | 2008(11):3-4 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 广东省优质稻产业化现状与发展对策 | | 陈达刚, 周新桥, 李丽君 | | 2008(11):5-6,16 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 超甜玉米新品种华美甜168的选育研究 | | 罗苑辉, 梁克勤, 张德华, 苏金煌, 张书涛, 梁月富 | | 2008(11):7-9 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 高烟碱烟草种质资源筛选试验初报 | | 李淑玲, 谭铭喜, 陈俊标, 张振臣, 邱道寿 | | 2008(11):9-10 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Oriental tobacco male sterile F1 cross hybrid seed production | | 张红梅, 刘光华, 魏团仁, 张林辉, 吕玉兰, 王跃全 | | 2008(11):11-13 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Investigation cold resistance adaptability of major rubber clones in Midwest Hainan | | 高新生, 李维国, 黄华孙, 张伟算 | | 2008(11):14-16 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Yeild-increasing and epigenetic effect of SPNE on Pleurtus ostreatus and Flammulina velutipes | | 余素芹, 常萌蕾 | | 2008(11):17-19 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of betaine and chitosan on cold resistance of banana seedling under low temperature | | 李茂富, 李效超, 李绍鹏 | | 2008(11):20-22 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of low temperature stress on cold resistance of Cinnamomum camphora seedling | | 尤扬, 刘弘, 吴荣升, 林玉霞 | | 2008(11):23-25 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the effect of low temperature and 6-BA on preservation of cut Rose hybrida flowers | | 王国莉 | | 2008(11):26-28 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on comparison of rootstocks for Gonggan(Citrus reticulata Blanco cv.gonggan) | | 吴文, 马培恰, 李健强, 唐小浪, 黄永敬, 姚金明, 何锦洪 | | 2008(11):29-31 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Analysis on the orthogonal experiment of cutting propagation of four Buddleja davidii breeding lines | | 刘琴, 龚元圣, 陈贤, 王建海, 陈福建, 李雪飞 | | 2008(11):32-34 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 香草兰的组织培养试验 | | 文慧婷, 张翠玲, 吴刚 | | 2008(11):35-36 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on cuttage breeding technique of Bougainvillea glabra | | 陈兆贵, 黄伟锋, 黄雁婷 | | 2008(11):37-39 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 不同套袋材料对哈密瓜果实的影响试验初报 | | 许如意, 何子顺, 孔祥义, 肖日升, 李劲松 | | 2008(11):39-40 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Wind-resistant cultivation techniques of banana | | 占远城, 刘文, 杨明彰 | | 2008(11):41-42,60 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Evaluation and optimization on land use social benefit in Zhanjiang | | 张士海, 陈士银, 周飞 | | 2008(11):43-46 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 西瓜喷施氨基酸水溶肥示范试验 | | 曾丽英, 陈海棠, 周三妹 | | 2008(11):47 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Advances in research work of taxonomy about the family Anystidae Oudemans | | 林莉 | | 2008(11):48-51 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 进境植物检疫性有害生物名录中外来入侵昆虫的检疫与监管 | | 吕俊峰, 林小琳 | | 2008(11):51-54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Invasion of alien species and its preventive measure in Hainan | | 李劲松, 刘香玲, 陈冠铭, 孔祥义, 何平荣 | | 2008(11):55-58 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on methoddogy of monoxenically reproduction of Pratylenchus coffea | | 陈晓玲, 李小妮, 张永瑜, 古少常, 陈永红, 方羽生 | | 2008(11):58-60 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Control effect of several new fungicides against citrus anthracnose | | 彭埃天, 谭耀华, 吴泳梅, 宋晓兵, 陈玉托, 李荣俭, 陈志强 | | 2008(11):62-64 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Toxicity measurement of 45 actinomycosis strains Fermentation solution on Fusarium oxysporum | | 吴庆菊, 曾会才, 何娜 | | 2008(11):65-67 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 化州市水稻细菌性条斑病流行规律及测报防治 | | 陈观浩, 吴冠清, 陈端, 陈先文, 梁盛铭, 梁章桉 | | 2008(11):67-69 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 花生粕的主要特征、营养成分及综合开发利用 | | 陈杰, 方志伟, 徐鹤龙, 陈德华, 郭仕清, 谢玉钊 | | 2008(11):70-71 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Studies on the content change of main chemical compositions of Lingtou Dancong tea during pile-fermentation process | | 黄国滋, 赖兆祥, 卓敏, 黄华林, 赵超艺, 陈栋 | | 2008(11):72-74 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 绿茶饮料汤色褐变机理及其影响因素 | | 孙世利, 潘顺顺, 凌彩金, 晏嫦妤, 卓敏, 赵超艺 | | 2008(11):75-77 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 鸡大肠杆菌分离鉴定及药敏试验 | | 杨明凡, 李晓峰, 陈红英, 唐湛伟, 高文明 | | 2008(11):78-79 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus faecalis on immune function of broilers | | 杭柏林, 胡建和, 刘丽艳, 刘保国, 王丽荣, 王宪文, 王三虎 | | 2008(11):80-83 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 猪呼吸道冠状病毒研究进展 | | 邱深本, 罗映霞, 黄爱芳, 姜文联 | | 2008(11):84-86 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 雷州黄牛肉质性状2个候选基因的多态性分析 | | 魏伍川, 吴小英, 潘虹 | | 2008(11):86-88 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on screening the antifungal proteins from seeds of tropical forages | | 吴坤鑫, 张秀春, 陈雄庭 | | 2008(11):89-91 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 新丰江水库(鱼)染色体核型分析 | | 马俊霞, 郭慧, 黄家明, 黎卓键, 赵会宏, 刘丽 | | 2008(11):92-93 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research of resource and recycling on organic wastes of livestock and poultry in Guangdong province | | 徐培智, 解开治, 陈建生, 张发宝, 唐拴虎, 黄旭 | | 2008(11):94-97 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Advancement of bioreactor landfill | | 贺颖, 张建强, 郭洁 | | 2008(11):97-99 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 成都市生活垃圾处理现状及可持续发展对策 | | 薛丹丹, 刘丹, 杨敏, 罗冬宁, 宋晓琴 | | 2008(11):100-102 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Studies on the chemical components of volatile oil from Folium Artemisise Argyi of northern Shaanxi | | 杨华, 田锐, 李(龙天), 宋延卫, 陈炳旭 | | 2008(11):103-105 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 中草药有效成分分离技术研究进展 | | 潘艺, 康乐, 周远扬 | | 2008(11):105-107 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Application of molecular imprinting technique in the detection of food safety | | 徐小艳, 田兴国 | | 2008(11):108-110 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 五华县农产品质量安全监管现状与发展对策 | | 曾小华, 黄荣足, 廖惠锋 | | 2008(11):111-112 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 大白菜斜纹夜蛾发生危害特点及测报防治 | | 郑庆文, 黄东贤, 黄春锋, 沈逸强 | | 2008(11):61,64 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | |