| Volume ,Issue 11,2010 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Preparation and preliminary application of polyclonal antibody of c-phycocyanin protein in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 | | 张劲松, 陈李萍, 高复旦, 杜玲瑜, 王全喜, 马为民 | | 2010(11):1-5,9 [Abstract] [View PDF(750.27 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of different garden plants to the growth and reproduction of 'Cv' biotype Bemisia tabaci Gennadius | | 林莉, 任顺祥, 邱宝利 | | 2010(11):6-9 [Abstract] [View PDF(266.24 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effects of acid soils amendment on Sloping-land Peanut in southern China | | 解开治, 徐培智, 陈建生, 严超, 唐拴虎, 张发宝, 黄旭, 顾文杰 | | 2010(11):10-12 [Abstract] [View PDF(222.36 K)] [HTML] | | | | 杂交稻新组合明优06的技术示范与推广应用 | | 魏雪辉, 钟文珠, 张春苑, 梁宇扬 | | 2010(11):13-14,32 [Abstract] [View PDF(230.58 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on resistance of the newly bred rice variety Bai-xiang-zhan to bacterial blight and blast | | 陈深, 杨健源, 朱小源, 曾列先 | | 2010(11):15-17 [Abstract] [View PDF(193.03 K)] [HTML] | | | | Influence of uniconazole and boron on the seed production of hybrid wheat | | 赵颖, 何觉民 | | 2010(11):17-18 [Abstract] [View PDF(138.14 K)] [HTML] | | | | Breeding of a new peanut variety Yueyou 45 | | 李少雄, 梁炫强, 周桂元 | | 2010(11):19-20 [Abstract] [View PDF(136.70 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effects of different ecological environments on main agronomic traits of F2 generation in Upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.) | | 李成奇, 董承光, 王清连, 赵海红 | | 2010(11):21-24,36 [Abstract] [View PDF(374.48 K)] [HTML] | | | | Analysis of sugarcane stem elongation characters under different planting patterns | | 陈超君, 黄敏, 黄有总, 杨丽涛, 李杨瑞 | | 2010(11):25-28 [Abstract] [View PDF(237.46 K)] [HTML] | | | | Influence of intercropping and mulching to biological diversity and yield in tea garden | | 黎健龙, 唐劲驰, 吴利荣, 唐颢, 黎秀娣 | | 2010(11):29-32 [Abstract] [View PDF(279.82 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on annual changes of leaf nutrient in new Hevea brasilensis varieties | | 黄艳, 林钊沐, 华元刚 | | 2010(11):33-36 [Abstract] [View PDF(278.05 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect on differentiation of Populus deltoides×P. cathayana leaves caused by cephalosporins antibiotics | | 蔡智军, 程贵兰 | | 2010(11):37-38,59 [Abstract] [View PDF(211.47 K)] [HTML] | | | | 高香型红(白)茶兼用新品种丹霞1号的选育 | | 陈栋, 王金焕, 吴华玲, 李家贤, 黄华林, 李助明, 乔小燕, 晏嫦妤, 谢和安 | | 2010(11):39-45 [Abstract] [View PDF(534.81 K)] [HTML] | | | | 高香型红(白)茶兼用新品种丹霞2号的选育 | | 陈栋, 李家贤, 卓敏, 李道成, 吴华玲, 赵超艺, 乔小燕, 晏嫦妤, 黄华林, 孙世利, 谢火生 | | 2010(11):46-52,56 [Abstract] [View PDF(658.02 K)] [HTML] | | | | Breeding of new highly fragrant Oolong tea variety Hongyan 12 | | 李家贤, 黄华林, 陈栋, 赵超艺, 何玉媚, 乔小燕, 晏嫦妤, 吴华玲 | | 2010(11):53-56 [Abstract] [View PDF(264.02 K)] [HTML] | | | | Genetic diversity of EST-SSR in Renhua baimaocha in Guangdong | | 乔小燕, 吴华玲, 陈栋, 李家贤, 黄华林, 晏嫦妤, 何玉媚 | | 2010(11):57-59 [Abstract] [View PDF(222.67 K)] [HTML] | | | | 特效植物营养素对常规稻性状表现及表观遗传效应的影响 | | 余素芹, 王正询, 江奕君, 高云, 谢国文, 梁前进 | | 2010(11):60-63,67 [Abstract] [View PDF(366.84 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of SPNE on the character behave and epigenetic inheritance of hybrid rice | | 余素芹, 谢国文, 江奕君, 高云, 王正询, 梁前进 | | 2010(11):64-67 [Abstract] [View PDF(294.68 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of SPNE on male parent treatment and epigenetic inheritance of rice hybrid seeds | | 余素芹, 江奕君, 高云, 王正询, 谢国文, 梁前进 | | 2010(11):68-73 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 特效植物营养素在几种果树上的应用效果 | | 余素芹, 李健兴, 胡位荣, 王正询, 谢国文, 刘顺枝, 曾威娜, 李宇婷 | | 2010(11):74-76 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of SPNE on the yield, quality and epigenetic of orange | | 余素芹, 黄超文, 刘顺枝, 胡位荣, 王正询, 谢国文, 梁敏英 | | 2010(11):77-79,93 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 特效植物营养素在神秘果上的应用及其表观遗传效应 | | 余素芹, 李健兴, 胡位荣, 王正询, 谢国文, 刘顺枝, 曾威娜, 李宇婷 | | 2010(11):80-82,96 [Abstract] [View PDF(297.78 K)] [HTML] | | | | 农村城镇污泥处理和农用技术规程 | | 彭智平, 李文英, 黄继川, 于俊红, 杨林香 | | 2010(11):83-84 [Abstract] [View PDF(142.96 K)] [HTML] | | | | 规模化猪场污染治理及资源化利用技术规程 | | 杨少海, 李文英, 彭智平, 黄继川, 于俊红 | | 2010(11):85-87 [Abstract] [View PDF(230.73 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on treatment of piggery biogas slurry with combined microorganism preparation | | 李文英, 彭智平, 杨少海, 吴雪娜, 林志军, 杨林香 | | 2010(11):88-90 [Abstract] [View PDF(198.00 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of sewage sludge compound fertilizer on yield and qualities of bitter melon | | 李文英, 彭智平, 黄继川, 于俊红, 林志军 | | 2010(11):91-93 [Abstract] [View PDF(205.62 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of sewage sludge compound fertilizer on yield and qualities of flowering Chinese cabbage | | 彭智平, 黄继川, 李文英, 于俊红, 林志军 | | 2010(11):94-96 [Abstract] [View PDF(202.47 K)] [HTML] | | | | Impact of applying straw compost on quality of lettuce and soil enzyme activity | | 黄继川, 彭智平, 于俊红, 李文英, 吴雪娜, 杨林香, 林志军 | | 2010(11):97-99 [Abstract] [View PDF(228.35 K)] [HTML] | | | | 2009年秋季芥蓝多点试验 | | 李桂花, 陈汉才, 翟英芬, 宋钊, 张艳 | | 2010(11):100-101,106 [Abstract] [View PDF(227.56 K)] [HTML] | | | | 三亚市黄秋葵品种引进比较试验 | | 许如意, 肖日升, 范荣, 李劲松 | | 2010(11):102-103 [Abstract] [View PDF(112.43 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effects of different pollen sources on fruit setting and fruit quality of Kiyomi | | 黄永敬, 唐小浪, 马培恰, 吴文, 王平 | | 2010(11):104-106 [Abstract] [View PDF(234.99 K)] [HTML] | | | | 沙田柚无病毒苗栽培试验 | | 杜小珍, 钟进良, 张雄基, 饶小珍, 温清英, 刘蕊 | | 2010(11):107-108 [Abstract] [View PDF(158.34 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on the dietary fiber of Pineapple | | 史俊燕, 张秀梅, 孙光明 | | 2010(11):110-111,120 [Abstract] [View PDF(205.00 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on the growth trait of Fragaria orientalis var.concolor by petal induction | | 孙忠林, 顾地周, 朱俊义, 姜云天, 冯颖, 袁媛 | | 2010(11):112-114 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the photosynthetic characteristics of different cultivars of pear | | 樊慧敏, 赵志军, 程福厚, 王庆江 | | 2010(11):115-117 [Abstract] [View PDF(181.06 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effects of magnesium on plant morphology and physiological characteristics of Anthurium Andraeanum | | 陈诗文, 张志胜, 梁计南 | | 2010(11):118-120 [Abstract] [View PDF(219.62 K)] [HTML] | | | | Comparative studies on the root shape and structure of water cultivation and soil cultivation of bunting | | 赵兰枝, 郑树景, 郭瑞珍, 张雪茹, 李鹏鹤, 蒋琳琳 | | 2010(11):121-122 [Abstract] [View PDF(127.86 K)] [HTML] | | | | Establishment of tissue culture and plant regeneration system of Calamagrostis×acutiflora Overdam | | 张娟, 韩蕾, 巨关升, 钱永强, 李红利 | | 2010(11):123-125,132 [Abstract] [View PDF(293.02 K)] [HTML] | | | | 我国水稻氮肥利用现状及对策 | | 马群, 李国业, 顾海永, 杨雄, 张洪程 | | 2010(11):126-129 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 雷州市蔗地土壤的肥力现状及改良对策 | | 李瑞民, 庄德奥 | | 2010(11):130-132 [Abstract] [View PDF(244.40 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on the best nutritional supplements method of lettucegrown in Qingyuan suburbs | | 杨敏, 陈秀虎, 陆远宁, 欧少云, 黄小明, 刘元江 | | 2010(11):133-136 [Abstract] [View PDF(295.65 K)] [HTML] | | | | 东方型百合南方地区无土栽培施肥试验初报 | | 刘远星, 邓海涛, 王鸿昌 | | 2010(11):137-139 [Abstract] [View PDF(197.07 K)] [HTML] | | | | Relationship of pu-erh tea' production and quantity with fertilizer methods | | 周玉梅 | | 2010(11):139-140 [Abstract] [View PDF(151.62 K)] [HTML] | | | | 广东口岸截获台湾水果有害生物概况及其检疫对策 | | 胡学难, 林莉, 高军, 马骏, 梁帆, 刘海军 | | 2010(11):141-143,148 [Abstract] [View PDF(320.56 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on stunk insecticides injection technique to control the invasion pest spiralling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Russell | | 张扬, 曾东强, 黄超福, 李燕芳, 廖永林, 张振飞 | | 2010(11):144-148 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | The expulsive and attractive effects of 16 species of plants on Golden Apple Snails(Ampullaria gigas Spix) | | 徐武兵, 钟秋华, 李林峰, 郭荣荣, 章家恩, 罗明珠 | | 2010(11):149-152 [Abstract] [View PDF(307.52 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect of three germicides to the endophytic bacteria diversity of pakchoi | | 王陶, 王振中 | | 2010(11):153-159 [Abstract] [View PDF(504.16 K)] [HTML] | | | | 乙基多杀霉素防治茄子蓟马药效试验 | | 杨速泉, 赖少容, 方贻昭, 尤伟群 | | 2010(11):159-160 [Abstract] [View PDF(123.64 K)] [HTML] | | | | 翁源三华李桔小实蝇无公害防治试验初报 | | 练新雄 | | 2010(11):161-162 [Abstract] [View PDF(141.25 K)] [HTML] | | | | Optimization of immersion conditions in staurosporine from strain H41-38 | | 蒲小明, 林壁润, 沈会芳 | | 2010(11):163-164,170 [Abstract] [View PDF(200.71 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on total flavonids from Aremisia capillars Thunb.by microextration | | 李娟, 郝晓光, 马占强 | | 2010(11):165-167 [Abstract] [View PDF(207.34 K)] [HTML] | | | | Research on technology of tea flower polysaccharide with ultrasonic extraction | | 孙世利, 庞式, 赖兆祥, 曾琼, 王秋霜, 潘顺顺, 苗爱清 | | 2010(11):168-170 [Abstract] [View PDF(226.19 K)] [HTML] | | | | 发酵时间对可可红茶品质的影响 | | 宋晓虹, 李成仁, 李家贤, 黄华林, 何玉媚, 叶创兴 | | 2010(11):171-173 [Abstract] [View PDF(205.08 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on the determination method of water-soluble polysaccharide content in Portulace oleracea L. | | 吴光杰, 李玉萍, 皮小芳, 刘建涛, 李资玲, 龚妍春 | | 2010(11):174-176 [Abstract] [View PDF(213.52 K)] [HTML] | | | | Chemical constituents determination of essential oil from the stems of Dracaena cochinchinensis of rare and endangered plants | | 苏秀芳, 梁振益 | | 2010(11):177-178,181 [Abstract] [View PDF(177.87 K)] [HTML] | | | | Effect s of 1-MCP treatments on senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage during storage period | | 张鲁斌, 朱世江, 王光 | | 2010(11):179-181 [Abstract] [View PDF(201.74 K)] [HTML] | | | | Technology of enzymatic hydrolysis to silver carp protein and debittering and deodourization effects of active carbon | | 吴少辉, 叶伟娟, 于新 | | 2010(11):182-185 [Abstract] [View PDF(258.16 K)] [HTML] | | | | 盐酸多西环素长效注射液对猪喘气病的临床治疗试验 | | 王斯帆, 贺湘仁, 赵永达, 刘帅帅, 方炳虎, 曾振灵, 黄显会 | | 2010(11):186-188 [Abstract] [View PDF(218.24 K)] [HTML] | | | | 母猪死淘的原因分析及防治对策 | | 吴同山, 刘烺, 陈日秀 | | 2010(11):188-189 [Abstract] [View PDF(152.10 K)] [HTML] | | | | 猪口蹄疫临床症状及防控 | | 胡成喜, 徐桃红 | | 2010(11):190-191 [Abstract] [View PDF(168.48 K)] [HTML] | | | | 复方中药防治鸡传染性喉气管炎试验 | | 杜云良, 张庆桥 | | 2010(11):192-193 [Abstract] [View PDF(140.92 K)] [HTML] | | | | 玉米DDGS在动物日粮中应用的最新研究进展 | | 徐丽萍 | | 2010(11):194-195,199 [Abstract] [View PDF(240.33 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on nutrition variation at coastal water areas of Pearl River estuary | | 杨婉玲, 赖子尼, 魏泰莉, 庞世勋, 高原 | | 2010(11):196-199 [Abstract] [View PDF(232.09 K)] [HTML] | | | | Features analysis of relative fatness in Suneus murinus | | 田丽, 叶梅丰, 袁秋蓉 | | 2010(11):200-202 [Abstract] [View PDF(203.02 K)] [HTML] | | | | Construction of expression vectors for Zymomonas mobilis | | 李锡敏, 郭安平, 阳辛凤, 郭运玲, 孔华, 贺立卡 | | 2010(11):203-208 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 分子遗传标记与动物分子育种研究进展 | | 李鸥, 王连想, 向振强, 黄运茂 | | 2010(11):210-212 [Abstract] [View PDF(256.11 K)] [HTML] | | | | RAPD analysis of the genetic diversity in donkey of Dezhou | | 刘娟, 焦传珍 | | 2010(11):213-214 [Abstract] [View PDF(151.94 K)] [HTML] | | | | Pb2+、pH胁迫下水杨酸对刚毛藻富集Pb2+生理指标的影响 | | 张守栋, 岳贝贝, 孙鑫, 韩晓弟 | | 2010(11):215-218 [Abstract] [View PDF(271.10 K)] [HTML] | | | | Influence of water resource development on ecological environment in karst mountain area | | 李军, 蒋毛席, 张和喜, 方小宇 | | 2010(11):219-221 [Abstract] [View PDF(239.19 K)] [HTML] | | | | Evaluation of irrigating area ecological security in Longchuan | | 苏红兵 | | 2010(11):222-224 [Abstract] [View PDF(186.59 K)] [HTML] | | | | Estimating subzero ecological value about destroying plant——An example about the Xiaoguwei island in Guangzhou | | 曾当, 郑芷青, 邱银, 范九生, 刘钉 | | 2010(11):225-228 [Abstract] [View PDF(300.18 K)] [HTML] | | | | Establishment of agriculture cleaner production evaluation index | | 胡俊梅 | | 2010(11):228-231 [Abstract] [View PDF(256.85 K)] [HTML] | | | | 森林冰雪灾害损失评价指标体系研究 | | 高岚, 谭李嫔 | | 2010(11):232-235 [Abstract] [View PDF(273.00 K)] [HTML] | | | | Study on environmental impact and cleaner production technology of slaughter industry | | 杨波, 赵传峰 | | 2010(11):235-238 [Abstract] [View PDF(307.25 K)] [HTML] | | | | 江西农村面源污染现状及控制措施 | | 万金保, 余敏 | | 2010(11):239-241 [Abstract] [View PDF(219.78 K)] [HTML] | | | | The investigation of pollutants and the concentration of extra ventricular atmosphere in Xinxiang Medical College | | 徐光翠, 高启禹, 李志春, 谷玉梅 | | 2010(11):242-243,251 [Abstract] [View PDF(197.16 K)] [HTML] | | | | Analysis on geographical compositions of seed plants flora at family and generic levels in Daliangzihe national forest park | | 张海军, 张淑兰, 王长宝, 董锡文 | | 2010(11):244-247,258 [Abstract] [View PDF(374.91 K)] [HTML] | | | | Gas chromatography with electron capture detector determination of organophosphorus, phenylpyrazolone and nicotine pesticides residues in cabbages | | 李艳芳, 罗华建, 叶瑜霏, 李亮, 梁卫驱, 胡珊, 黄皓, 陈仕丽 | | 2010(11):248-251 [Abstract] [View PDF(271.63 K)] [HTML] | | | | Determination of ten β-agonists in feeds by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry | | 潘云山, 聂建荣, 朱铭立, 周松英, 胡翠萍 | | 2010(11):252-254,270 [Abstract] [View PDF(283.58 K)] [HTML] | | | | The food processing industry from the set of environmental protection | | 朱振华, 潘峰, 仝纪龙, 刘菊梅 | | 2010(11):255-258 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 消费者认知能力对农产品质量安全影响的实证分析 | | 罗敏, 李旭 | | 2010(11):259-262 [Abstract] [View PDF(271.54 K)] [HTML] | | | | Advances in analysis and content control of arsenic in seafood | | 戴文津, 杨小满, 陈华, 孙恢礼 | | 2010(11):263-266,275 [Abstract] [View PDF(432.23 K)] [HTML] | | | | 基于土壤环境质量的县域农业种植区划——以浙江嘉善县为例 | | 胡艳华, 王加恩, 康占军, 谢少娟, 沈晓春, 来红, 徐锡虎 | | 2010(11):267-270 [Abstract] [View PDF(342.34 K)] [HTML] | | | | Consideration on the exploitation and planning of waterfront of Sunshui District in Loudi | | 陈存友, 胡希军, 郑小兰, 李阳焰 | | 2010(11):271-275 [Abstract] [View PDF(458.38 K)] [HTML] | | | | Research advances on cause of water logging and administrating technologies in farm land of Northeast China | | 刘兵, 朱广石, 王平, 金剑, 王光华, 刘晓冰 | | 2010(11):276-278 [Abstract] [View PDF(266.59 K)] [HTML] | | | | Construction of land use database of Changping district based on MapGIS | | 陈曦, 孙宪海 | | 2010(11):279-281,294 [Abstract] [View PDF(314.01 K)] [HTML] | | | | BP neural network algorithm in the classification of jujube | | 张保生, 姚瑞央 | | 2010(11):282-283 [Abstract] [View PDF(141.39 K)] [HTML] | | | | 基于影响因素分析的广东省农民增收对策研究 | | 周灿芳, 郑玉燕, 曹阳, 肖广江, 雷百战, 蔡德超, 潘艺, 徐一菲 | | 2010(11):284-288 [Abstract] [View PDF(405.58 K)] [HTML] | | | | Research on models of sustainable business for rural information service | | 包世泰, 李如新, 刘利, 胡卫明, 吕环宇 | | 2010(11):289-294 [Abstract] [View PDF(448.65 K)] [HTML] | | | | 欠发达地区农村剩余劳动力转移的动因分析——以苏北连云港为例 | | 朱强, 范金, 封士帅 | | 2010(11):295-298 [Abstract] [View PDF(299.78 K)] [HTML] | | | | Evaluation of county's socio-economic development level in ecological-economic zone in Three Gorges reservoir area of Chongqing | | 赵文婷, 苏维词 | | 2010(11):299-301 [Abstract] [View PDF(205.66 K)] [HTML] | | | | Considerations on the development of farmer mutual-aid group in tobacco leaf procuction——Based on modern tobacco agriculture | | 唐新苗, 王丰 | | 2010(11):302-304 [Abstract] [View PDF(243.81 K)] [HTML] | | | | 梅州市农业科普生态园建设及其配套技术 | | 朱荣辉, 刘燕, 叶希 | | 2010(11):305-308 [Abstract] [View PDF(341.58 K)] [HTML] | | | | 浅谈基于工作过程动物疫病防控技术课程建设 | | 邱深本, 姜文联, 戴远威, 黄爱芳, 张君 | | 2010(11):309-311 [Abstract] [View PDF(243.39 K)] [HTML] | | | | 影响农科大学生服务"三农"的因素分析与对策 | | 马强, 陈火君 | | 2010(11):312-314,317 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Practice on modern agriculture industry development of Wen's Group | | 吕海燕 | | 2010(11):315-317 [Abstract] [View PDF(237.31 K)] [HTML] | | | | 加强教学实践基地建设,促进农科院校人才培养质量 | | 陈火君, 马强 | | 2010(11):318-320 [Abstract] [View PDF(273.44 K)] 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