| Volume ,Issue 12,2008 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Review on development exploration of agricultural science and technology periodical since reform and opening up | | 骆浩文, 苏柱华, 侯建国, 黄丽芸, 崔建勋, 张辉玲, 黄修杰, 杨贤智, 邹移光 | | 2008(12):3-7 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects and yield-increasing mechanism of single basal application with the "Xin Nong Ke" rice-specific controlled-release fertilizer | | 唐拴虎, 徐培智, 陈建生, 张发宝, 黄旭, 解开治, 杨少海, 蒋瑞萍, 李苹 | | 2008(12):8-11 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on suitable methods for applying a rice-specific controlled-release fertilizer in Ding'an rice area | | 陈天钦, 吕烈武, 唐拴虎, 吴育富, 杨少妮, 张润, 朱宏 | | 2008(12):12-14 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on suitable methods for applying a rice-specific controlled-release fertilizer in Guilin rice area | | 范大泳, 周宾, 廖云云, 陈辉云, 唐拴虎 | | 2008(12):15-16,19 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻控释肥一次性施肥技术在定安县的应用效果 | | 陈天钦, 张润, 吴育富, 吕烈武, 唐拴虎 | | 2008(12):17-19 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻控释肥一次性施肥技术在合浦县的应用效果 | | 王英日, 姚宗儒, 花会功, 吴弦业, 肖子丽, 张云英, 唐拴虎 | | 2008(12):20-21,24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻控释肥一次性施肥技术在桂林市的应用效果 | | 周宾, 唐拴虎, 范大泳, 莫云锦, 廖云云, 秦和生, 陈责忠 | | 2008(12):22-24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Investigation and suggestion on chilling injury of Hevea brasiliensis medium and little seedlings in Guangdong in 2008 | | 李土荣, 张健珍, 吴青松, 陈雄庭 | | 2008(12):25-27 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the fruit character in Cola acuminata | | 董云萍, 杨逢春, 吴刚 | | 2008(12):28-30 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects of flue-cured tobacco intercropping with sweet potato on chemical composition and smoking quality of tobacco leaves | | 唐世凯, 刘丽芳, 李永梅 | | 2008(12):31-33 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of chitosan on the physiological indices related to cold-resistance | | 孙世利, 骆耀平, 潘顺顺, 凌彩金, 苗爱清, 赵超艺 | | 2008(12):34-37 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 金萱乌龙茶品种的栽培性状及利用 | | 黄国滋, 赖兆祥, 何玉媚, 庞式, 赵超艺 | | 2008(12):38-39 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Comparison of fruit characters of tomato germplasmic materials from abroad | | 李智军, 龙卫平, 郑锦荣, 卢文佳, 张衍荣, 韩福光, 田永红 | | 2008(12):40-42 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects of different storage temperature on the major nutrient quality and nitrate content of three wild vegetable | | 田丽波, 商桑, 黄绵佳, 林贝玉 | | 2008(12):43-46 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects of different NAA, IAA, IBA treatment on seed germination of Momordica charantia | | 李旭, 王垠敦, 张卫君 | | 2008(12):47-48 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Breeding and selection of jackfruit Yunre-206 | | 尼章光, 张林辉, 解德宏, 罗心平, 文定良, 俞艳春 | | 2008(12):49-50,54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Discussion on evaluating the population quality indices of high yield and quality in banana | | 李洪波, 吕顺, 周建坤, 刘文清, 伍文生, 杨贺年 | | 2008(12):51-54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the growth regularity of roots and leaves under different culture conditions druing banana tissue culture | | 郑洪立, 叶春海, 王季槐, 丰锋, 吕庆芳 | | 2008(12):55-57,60 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on some physiological characteristics of Trifolium repens leaves under salt stress | | 刘会超, 贾文庆 | | 2008(12):58-60 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Induction of Rose hybrida leaf callus | | 刘孟刚, 贾文庆, 郭丽娟, 刘会超 | | 2008(12):61-63 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 小型黄花石斛兰的组织培养试验 | | 陈继敏, 杨镇明, 吴熙文, 陈旭敏, 罗丽霞 | | 2008(12):64-65 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 铁皮石斛组培苗移栽试验 | | 黄勇 | | 2008(12):66-67 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 豇豆-玉米-南瓜-芥菜轮作模式高效栽培技术 | | 卢海强, 柳江海, 卢永奋 | | 2008(12):67-69 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 苦瓜嫁接苗规模化生产技术 | | 陈亚雪, 许玉琴, 陈前程, 张朝坤, 林奕峰 | | 2008(12):70-71 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 大树移植成活技术措施 | | 王秀平 | | 2008(12):71-73 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 广东省测土配方施肥的实践与展望 | | 梁友强, 张育灿, 张桥 | | 2008(12):74-76 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 海南岛槟榔种植地土壤质量初探 | | 陈珍, 谭业华 | | 2008(12):77-78 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻"三控"施肥技术在雷州市的示范应用效果 | | 吴华荣, 丁万春, 蔡腾友, 黄农荣, 钟旭华 | | 2008(12):79-80,86 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the composting effects of inoculating microbe amounts on organic matters | | 胡事君, 梁卫驱, 郑芝波, 温洁明, 林琳娜, 陈仕丽 | | 2008(12):81-83 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Race identification and pathogenicity test of the blast fungus causing the resistance breakdown of hybrid rice Tianyou 998 | | 朱小源, 杨健源, 陈玉托, 杨维新, 陈喜劳, 曾列先, 陈深 | | 2008(12):84-86 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study of the investigation on disease condition of Yingzui peach gummosis in Lianping county | | 彭埃天, 姜子德, 邹寿发, 凌金锋, 李鸿飞, 骆房增 | | 2008(12):87-88,92 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Pathogen identification of a new disease on Agave americana L. var. marginata Hort | | 黄玖利, 张荣意, 谭志琼 | | 2008(12):89-92 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 不同环境龙眼园中荔枝蒂蛀虫危害调查 | | 李志强, 邱燕萍, 欧良喜, 陈洁珍, 向旭, 孙清明 | | 2008(12):93-94 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Advance in the study on effects of insecticides on parasitoids | | 车少臣, 仇兰芬, 王建红 | | 2008(12):95-97 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 进出口花卉、蔬菜类繁殖材料根螨种类检疫调查的现状与对策 | | 林莉 | | 2008(12):98-100 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 深圳地区椰心叶甲疫情监测 | | 李平东, 张森泉, 李志强, 吴赟生, 王文荣 | | 2008(12):101-102,108 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Investigation on resistance of different North American crabapple cultivars to Tetranychus viennensis | | 郭蕾, 郑大睿, 仇兰芬, 王建红, 车少臣 | | 2008(12):103-104 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Investigation and analysis on pesticide residues in vegetables from Shenzhen city in 2007 | | 王瑞, 古松浩, 张兵, 叶春玲, 陈越飞 | | 2008(12):105-108 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effects of different concentrations of Eupatorium odoratum micromulsion against Conopomorpha sinensis bradley oviposition deterrent activity | | 陈晓琴, 江世宏, 黄安康, 李广京 | | 2008(12):109-110 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 几种内吸性杀菌剂防治荔枝霜疫霉病试验 | | 邓铭光, 陈伟平, 刘伟玲, 刘景梅 | | 2008(12):111-112 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Technologies for decreasing broken rice kernel rate in rice processing | | 林国明, 陈长贵, 陈嘉东 | | 2008(12):112-114 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 甘薯、梨复合饮料加工工艺研究 | | 祝美云, 庞凌云, 党建磊, 邵建峰 | | 2008(12):115-116 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 西洋梨采后生理特性及贮藏保鲜技术 | | 李梅, 祝美云, 张建成 | | 2008(12):117-119 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 咖啡采后处理及初加工技术 | | 何红艳, 文志华, 李国鹏 | | 2008(12):119-120 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Main function and active chemical compositions of royal jelly and application prospects in food industry | | 侯春生, 骆浩文 | | 2008(12):121-124 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 东源县传统炒青绿茶加工技术 | | 黄国滋, 赖兆祥, 赵超艺, 何玉媚, 庞式 | | 2008(12):124-125 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 生态养猪模式及其关键技术初探 | | 侯建国, 骆浩文, 郑业鲁 | | 2008(12):126-128 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 广东大米加工厂仓储害虫防治技术规范研究 | | 钟国才, 陈嘉东, 杨义芳, 陈威, 劳传忠 | | 2008(12):128-130 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 混配农药中多种有机磷农药含量的气相色谱法分析 | | 张卫锋 | | 2008(12):131-132 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Determination of carbohydrates in Tainung19 pineapple by HPLC | | 刘胜辉, 臧小平, 魏长宾, 孙光明 | | 2008(12):133-134,139 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid and saccharin sodium in milk by HPLC | | 林玲, 杨春亮, 黎珍莲, 查玉兵, 程盛华 | | 2008(12):135-136,163 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Comparison of spectrophotometry and ICP-AES in the determination of Aluminum content in flour foods | | 尹素娟, 潘艺, 杨文杰 | | 2008(12):137-139 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Rapid determination of melamine in feeds with liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry | | 聂建荣, 朱铭立, 何文彪 | | 2008(12):140-142 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against ractopamine | | 王俊, 杜红丽, 凌飞, 钱莉, 申磊 | | 2008(12):143-144 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 美国甜玉米无公害高产栽培技术 | | 贺远东, 江新晓, 林志强, 余运福 | | 2008(12):145 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 清香菜大棚无土栽培技术 | | 黄爱玲, 郭水如 | | 2008(12):146-147 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 冬种蚕豆肥水管理技术 | | 曾启汉, 曾建文, 罗伟灵, 李小利 | | 2008(12):147-148 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 金沙薏苡免耕直播高产栽培技术 | | 林仁东, 林明责, 林启椿 | | 2008(12):149-150 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 中俄农产品贸易问题研究 | | 刘伟轲, 景喆 | | 2008(12):150-152 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Analysis on agriculture competing capacity in Hainan province | | 刘海清 | | 2008(12):153-156 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 中山市农村信息管理系统研发与推广应用 | | 张伟杰, 何少芳, 林森馨 | | 2008(12):157-160 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 比较优势理论与重庆巫山特色优势农产品的确定 | | 柯清标, 曹阳, 杨小平 | | 2008(12):161-163 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Tentative discussion on effect and countermeasure of vocational education and training in new countryside construction | | 韩占江, 王伟华 | | 2008(12):164-166 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 农业科技电子期刊在线服务平台的构建与应用研究 | | 苏柱华, 骆浩文, 侯建国, 崔建勋, 黄丽芸, 张辉玲, 黄修杰 | | 2008(12):167-170 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the long-term operating mechanism of rural modern distance education | | 艾建安, 骆浩文, 苏柱华, 杨景峰, 黄丽芸, 黄修杰, 董丽萍 | | 2008(12):171-174 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research of establishment of urban and rural tourism industry chain base on recycling economy theory | | 黄小晶, 骆浩文, 黄丽芸 | | 2008(12):175-178 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Overall evaluation of economic benefit of industrial enterprises in Henan province based on the method of factor analysis | | 李长旗, 杨涛, 王彦 | | 2008(12):179-182 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 推广绿色食品荔枝生产技术的经验与建议 | | 马细兰 | | 2008(12):183-185 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 梅州市茶业发展现状与对策 | | 李国华, 谢岳昌, 孙中兴, 戴军 | | 2008(12):186-187,194 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 巫山县茶叶生产调研报告 | | 苗爱清, 赵超艺, 庞式, 凌彩金, 唐劲驰 | | 2008(12):188-189 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | |